Welcome to the Absurd Microbe!


This site is hosted on the Light Web, a cloud of a light hearted parallel world, in which fantasy, nonsense and imagination, unrestricted by agendas, preconceptions, opinions, experience and maturity, drift around in amazing multi-dimensional patterns, and every day ends on a high, articulated by Bert with the expression “alles okay, Kartoffelpüree!”. Civic responsibilities are assumed by: Ivor the Engine (transportation), Blitzer (law and order), the Carry-On Team (health services), Gromit (emergency services), Shaun the Sheep (education), Wallace (innovation and business), Monty Python (strategic development and infrastructure), Waldo (art and recreation) and Idris the Dragon (background music).

In entering the Light Web, I absolve it of all responsibility, particularly for any foolish behavioural tendencies I may acquire during the experience.